STEM Learning & Exploration for All Ages
Here at the Rockville Science Center, we passionately believe that the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) should be available to everyone. By exploring STEM, children and adults alike can expand their understanding of the world we live in and challenge themselves to think differently about the role they play in making their own lives and the lives of our community better!
The learning opportunities that we offer don't involve text books. We believe that STEM is best experienced through hands-on learning. Come extract DNA from a strawberry, build and program a robot, learn how to 3D print, or explore a local science-related site of interest on a field trip. Whether you are 5 or 95, we have a program for you!
Children & Teens
The Rockville Science Center has a vibrant array of classes, camps, and other programs for children and teens. Learning opportunities vary from short-term single class options to 9-months of immersive learning and competition. Here's an overview of what we offer:
6-week Afterschool Programs (ages 7-14)
5-week Homeschool Programs (ages 7-14)
Full-day (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) summer STEM camps (ages 7-14)
Weekend Classes
Birthday Parties (ages 5-12)
Girl Scout Badge Workshops (ages 5-18)
STEM Scouts (grades 3-5 & 6-8)
Explorer Post 1010 (grades 9-12)
Numberphiles Math Club (middle school - adult)
Chess Club (all ages)
Avatar Learning Center (K-12th grade)
Adults of all ages engage with the Science Center's programs on a regular basis. From lectures featuring scientists from around the world to volunteer opportunities right here in Rockville, there are lots of ways to keep your mind active and dive into exciting new topics in STEM. Here's what we offer:
Rockville Science Tuesday Lectures (second Tuesday of each month, 1:00-2:00 pm) on Zoom (view on your own computer or on the big screen at the Rockville Senior Center)
Rockville Science Cafe Lectures (third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:00 pm) on Zoom
Explorations! Field Trips to science-related sites of interest in our region
Hands-on Classes & Workshops
Amateur Radio Hangouts
Numberphiles Math Club
Chess Club
Volunteer Opportunities
Events for All Ages
Rockville Science Day
The Rockville Science Center's flagship event takes place at Montgomery College at the end of April. All ages are welcome to attend and experience hands-on learning with 100 exhibitors from around the region. FREE
Community STEM Day
Our newest initiative takes place at our storefront location on select Saturdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Bring the whole family and visit with exhibitors