Makerspace & Tool Library Resources
FAQs about the Rockville Makerspace and Tool Library
Do I have to make a reservation to use the Makerspace?
The Makerspace is open to the general public twice a week: Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm and Saturdays, noon-4:00 pm. Anyone can stop by during these hours to work on a project without a reservation. If you'd like to access the Makerspace outside of these hours, you will need to make special arrangements with our Makerspace Manager, Evan Keto. ​
Is there a fee to use the Makerspace?
Individual users are welcome to use the Makerspace free of charge. Minimal fees for materials may apply. We encourage you to access the facility during open project hours if possible, however other arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis with the Makerspace Manager. If your group would like to reserve use of the Makerspace, an hourly fee will apply (see below).
Can my group reserve the Makerspace for an event or class?
Groups of up to 20 people may reserve use of the Makerspace for one-time events or ongoing programs. The rate is $50/hour. You can request additional information and make a reservation by contacting Evan.
Can my kids use the Makerspace?
The makerspace is open to all ages however users under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
​Do you offer classes?
You can check out the latest classes and workshops here. If you'd like to learn a specific skill or receive training on equipment, please check with Evan Keto, our Makerspace Manager.
What about safety?
The Makerspace is home to tools that, if used improperly, could cause harm or injury to you or other visitors. We ask that you review the Makerspace Terms & Conditions and sign a waiver before using the Makerspace for the first time.
How do I get in touch with the Makerspace?
You can email Makerspace Manager Evan Keto, or leave a voicemail at the Rockville Science Center at 240-386-8111.
Free 3D design software:
Tinkercad: Simple cad, easy to learn, runs in web browser
OnShape: Free version allows unlimited storage, but all of your designs are publicly visible
Sketchup: free software that runs in web browser, often used for furniture or building design
Blender: Open source 3D design as well and graphics software
Free 3D Designs
MakerWorld: Free 3D printing designs
Thingiverse: Free 3D printing designs
Free 2D Design software:
Inkscape: Open source vector drawing
GIMP: Open source photo editing
Free 2D Designs:
DesignFind: for laser cutting projects
Equipment Manuals and Support
3D Printer
CNC Machine
Laser Cutter/Engravers
Sewing Machines
​Singer Confidence Quilter 7469​​​
Other Organizations
Nonprofit Organizations We Work With:
Montgomery County Master Gardeners
Montgomery County Volunteer Center
Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association
Rockville Chapter, Izaak Walton League
Rockville Economic Development, Inc.
TEDCO Maryland Makerspace Initiative
OpenWorks (Baltimore)
Tool Libraries:
Station North Tool Library (Baltimore)
Seed Libraries: